A rubber band 1.2m length and 15 cm width.Different exercises can be done for different body parts.Increases blood circulation.Lightweight and portabl..
A rubber band 5.5m length and 15 cm width.Different exercises can be done for different body parts.Increases blood circulation.Lightweight and portabl..
A loop rubber band.Different stretching exercises can be done for different body parts.Increases blood circulation.Light and portable.Improves fine mo..
A rubber cord 1m legth.Different exercises can be done for different body parts.Increases blood circulation.Light and portable.Improves fine motor ski..
A rubber cord 8-shaped with two handles.Different stretching exercises can be done for different body parts.Increases blood circulation.Light and port..
A rubber cord O-shaped with two handles.Different stretching exercises can be done for different body parts.Increases blood circulation.Light and port..
A rubber cord 1m length and with two handles.The length of the cord can be adjusted by the handles.Different exercises can be done for different body ..
A rubber cord with ankle straps.Different exercises can be done for different body parts.Increases blood circulation.Light and portable.Use at gym hal..