.Blood Collection Tube description:Air withdrawn tubes made to collect blood samples to run tests.Designed with different colors and filled with diffe..
Container Sterile description:Sterile container for sample collection.A single-time use product.Size: 120 ml.Container is used in clinic and hospital ..
Eye wash station 6250 description:Designed to combine eye and body wash stations.Station’s body is painted with yellow to find it quickly in emergenci..
Eye Wash Station W/Shower Stainless description:Designed to combine eye and body wash stations.Station’s body is made of high durability rust-resistan..
Eye wash Wall Mounted description:First-aid solution for eye injuries in laboratories, workshops and hospitals.Designed to pump water directly in the ..
IV set description:IV set is used to infuse medications and solutions into a patient's vein.IV set is made of high quality plastic and is latex free.I..
Orbital and Linear Shakers 330 description:The shaker is used in medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology laboratories.The device is used to mix liqu..
Scalp Vein description:Scalp vein is used to inject medicines and withdraw blood.Scalp vein, also called butterfly needle, is used with delicate veins..
Shaker Machine MX-S description:The shaker is used in medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology laboratories.The device is used to mix liquids inside ..
Wall Mounted Emergency Eyewash Station 2 Bottles description:First-aid solution for eye injuries in laboratories and workshops.A set of two bottles to..
Water For Irrigation Distilled Water 5L description:Water for injection is impurities free.Water for injection is made through evaporation and condens..