SPI Aidex Steryl Instrument Disinfectant 5L..
Ex Tax:125.00SRSPI AY Lubricant Gel 100g description:AY gel is transparent and water soluble.AY is used as a general lubricant.AY can be used to administer catheters..
Ex Tax:9.00SRWater For Irrigation Distilled Water 5L description:Water for injection is impurities free.Water for injection is made through evaporation and condens..
Ex Tax:40.00SRدواعي الاستعمال:
مطهر عام.
للجلد والأغشية المخاطية قبل الجراحة أو الحقن أو البزل.
للسحجات والحروق والجروح.
للحبل السري عند حديثي الولادة...
Ex Tax:10.00SRIndications: General antiseptic. For skin and mucus membranes before surgery, injection or paracentesis. For abrasions, burns and wounds. For the umbi..
Ex Tax:25.00SRFor rapid disinfection of all hard surfaces including worktops, hand instruments, etc. Specially formulated for use in all hospitals and clinics surfa..
Ex Tax:180.00SRFor rapid disinfection of all hard surfaces including worktops, hand instruments, etc. Specially formulated for use in all hospitals and clinics surfa..
Ex Tax:35.00SRSPI Ultrasound ECG Gel 5L description:The ultrasound gel is transparent and water soluble.It is a lubricating gel used with ultrasound diagnostic and ..
Ex Tax:55.00SRShowing 1 to 19 of 19 (1 Pages)