Top 5 Home Massage Tools

Life's pressures, concerns, and problems cause us a lot of anxiety and tension, and in order to overcome these pressures, we need to be careful with some practices and habits that provide our bodies with comfort and relaxation, and among these healthy practices is massage Whether by professionals or by using home massage tools, to relax and relieve a lot of chronic pain, in addition to many of the benefits of massage for the muscles and body. And because it may not always be possible for you to have a professional massage session, the use of home massage tools is the best solution to enjoy the benefits of massage. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of massage first, and then mention some of the most important massage tools at home.

Massage Benefits:

Massage is one of the oldest healing methods that humans have practiced since ancient times, to treat many health problems and get rid of pain, and studies have proven many of the benefits of massage for the body, the most important of which are:

  • Getting rid of muscle pain that occurs due to constant tension and exhaustion of these muscles, such as the muscles of the shoulders, back, and neck.
  • The level of stress hormones decreases, resulting in a feeling of relaxation and calm.
  • Stimulating the body to release the hormone of happiness (endorphins).
  • Activating the movement of blood circulation and the lymphatic system, which enhances the body's immunity.
  • Increases joint and ligament flexibility.
  • Help get rid of nocturnal insomnia.
  • Contributes to the treatment of migraine pain.
  • Help get rid of high blood pressure.

How do you get the benefits of massage at home?